


How do you build a solar power generator?

Question by Michael L: How do you build a solar power generator?

Best answer:

Answer by te144
First, get a 93 million-mile-long electric cord; second, see if Superman ……….

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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  1. RomeoMike says:

    You buy the components after you figure what you are trying to power, how much power it requires, how much you can afford and how much area you have to work with.

    Are you generating power to sale on the grid or power something at home? Will you need the power at night or on cloudy days? These questions will tell you if you need storage batteries or not.

  2. the rocket says:

    you install solar pannels on your house roof and expose them to as much sun light as possible.the power generated is stored in batteries.so it can be used when needed.

  3. Shiva™ says:

    That is a bit out of my league. Here is something that might help you:


    Good luck!

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