


How Photovoltaic Solar Panels Work – PVPower.com

Lee from PVPower describes how solar panels work to convert sunlight into electricity. For more information on solar power or PV panels, visit www.pvpower.com.


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  1. Ryan Ahsani says:

    What idont understand is how the electric filed is created when the n typed
    material comes in contact with p typed? 

  2. Saif Rahman says:

    The solar panels only using photons (light) for power generation, but in
    tropical areas and in summer times lot of heat is produced, can we use that
    to boost up production? Thinking of a solar panel using both light and heat
    at the same time.

  3. Alex Haney says:

    Thank you. Very helpful

  4. Jonathan Powell says:

    Good explanation but I don’t understand if you remove the elections and it
    becomes ionised won’t it stop working how can something keep giving away
    it’s electons?

  5. Kwan Mah says:

    eloquently explained.Thanks.

  6. Teri Guiccioli says:

    Many thanks, Lee. Very clearly explained.

  7. Smiley Alfy says:

    This was so well explained, thank you so much! 

  8. Masoud Mahmoudi says:

    Thanks, so well-presented

  9. Mytch Johnson says:

    Thank you

  10. AnnaFRCR says:

    Dathotness4ya: I had that second question as well… I think what makes
    electrons leave shells where there are already holes is the fact that it’s
    the layer on the sun side, on the top side of the panel. When you imagine a
    solar panel glowing in hot sun, it sort of makes sense that this
    bombardment of energy on the layer with holes excites so many electrons
    that some of them make their way to the negative side even though it’s
    already saturated with electrons. And even though it isn’t completely
    intuitive, I guess they are stopped on the way back by the wall of happily
    paired electron-hole pairs which don’t want to change.

    And for the first question: I think the way to see it is that it isn’t
    Boron trying to bond with a fourth Silicon, it’s Silicon wanting to get
    it’s fourth electron from Boron. 

  11. Nathan Mitchell says:

    I am very interested in constructing my own solar power system. I know that
    the production of the silicon wafer is an extremely complex process but I
    would like to know how easy it would be to construct a solar cell with
    pre-purchased panels and how cost effective it is in comparison to buying a
    complete system. In my case the solar cells would be used to power lights
    for an indoor hydroponic system so I don’t believe it would be too power
    demanding. Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks!

  12. Megan McGufficke says:

    This was so helpful! Thanks so much :)

  13. Sanu Prakash says:

    Very simple to understand , thanks dude

  14. AnthonysWellness says:

    How much Solar equals one amp of current? Or how much does it take to
    produce one amp of current when using solar?

  15. hasinder says:

    Awesome, thanks a lot

  16. Legoswiss says:

    helpful…also want to know how efficiency of solar cells, etc. is measured
    for comparison in the market place

  17. nizhonglian says:

    You are handsome! and the explanation is super!

  18. Shadi Mhanna says:

    thanx man

  19. Brendan McCarthy-Sinclair says:

    I’ve watched a couple other videos about the chemistry/physics of pv cells
    and this was definitely the clearest. Thanks for the vid

  20. Azazel Thao says:

    Thank you, this will help me explain the mechanicle working process of my
    innovated solar prop.

  21. Jesse Hilder says:

    Informative video! thanks

  22. Dathotness4ya says:

    TWO MAJOR QUESTIONS: 1) Why does Boron try to bond with a 4th silicon if it
    only has 3 electrons (or maybe I need to refresh my knowledge of valence
    and orbital chemistry)? 2) Why would the electric field make the N-type
    side more negative and P-type side more positive? Why wouldn’t the now free
    electrons just travel to the positive P-type side to neutralize charge? The
    video was helpful up to these points, especially my second question. I
    think I’ll actually dislike this video.

  23. Bethuel Madula says:

    On the spot

  24. kalimmortal says:

    thanks for the information…very thorough… it was exactly what i was
    looking for…

  25. regulus8518 says:

    make a video about silicon doping process

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