


Q&A: How much does it cost to make a solar power plant?

Question by haili: How much does it cost to make a solar power plant?
How much does it cost to make a solar power plant so it gives off the same amount of power as a Nuclear power plant?

Best answer:

Answer by rahychy
this is a question with several differant answers…..

depending on consuption if its going on a consuming structure co-generating

or a stand alone generation station. the most cost effective would be a hybrid


the thermal would heat a closed contained liquid and make steam to turn large turbine.

$ 150,000US will get u quite the little generator. $ 1,000,000US u have a major player

my general rule is $ 15us per sq ft of heating/cooling space.

I am presently puting together the single largest solar project of its kind. entire subdivisions of low cost modular homes with the entire roof as the mini-generating station. so if u put up say 400 units. when this hole subdivision comes on line u have a major Generating Station.

maitaining a plant with no moving parts to wear-out, well except to send some one to clean the panels off once every 6 months wound not be much up-keep……

the panels have 20 to 25yr warrenties and 30yr life

some put up in the late 60’s r still generating.

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_much_does_it_cost_to_build_and_maintain_a_power_plant_for_generating_electricity_with_solar_energy#ixzz1eVJOFNPl

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  1. Ned says:

    one of the latest examples comes from Spain where a solar power plant that should produce around 110 GWh per year has total costs projected at $ 410m .

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