


Q&A: Where can I find a website so I can learn to build solar panels?

Question by gtwiller: Where can I find a website so I can learn to build solar panels?
Im looking into building my own solar panels for my home, anyone know of a good place to start looking?
Thank you!

Best answer:

Answer by eccentricgreen
I have found tons of stuff through youtube.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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  1. Uncle Dud says:

    It is not easy. I would stick to heating for home made solar.
    “Because solar cells are semiconductor devices, they share many of the same processing and manufacturing techniques as other semiconductor devices such as computer and memory chips. However, the stringent requirements for cleanliness and quality control of semiconductor fabrication are a little more relaxed for solar cells.
    Making solar panels is still a delicate process, and it is for this reason that major solar advances did not come into play until the last quarter of the century, when advances in semiconductors and photovoltaic design allowed increasingly efficient and affordable solar cells to be developed.”

  2. Kyle F says:

    To build solar panels, you definitely need the right materials and know-how. Some people say you shouldnt others say you should. Check out
    http://www.solarpanelbuilder.com to find more info…

    Hope it helps some!

  3. k_o_o_l_g_u_y21 says:

    here it is


  4. point i says:

    Use sheet metal shears to cut the copper flashing in a square or rectangle to fit the size of the electric burner. Be sure to use a piece of copper flashing that is thoroughly cleaned. You may use sandpaper to thoroughly remove any sign of corrosion before proceeding.

    Place the copper flashing on the electric burner and turn the burner on. You will need to “cook” the flashing for as long as 30 minutes or more to develop a thick layer of black cupric oxide.

    Allow the copper to cool slowly once the layer of cupric oxide has formed. It will begin to flake off and may do so with some force as the oxide and the copper cool at different rates.

    Scrub the completely cooled copper under running water to remove any last remaining bits of oxide. Be gentle, as you do not want to remove any of the red cuprous oxide that has been created in heating the flashing.

  5. Jonny 5 says:

    Well you need to be careful. I have found a lot of absolute junk websites that promise instructions for building a solar panel but end up being a waste of time and money.

    There is one product I have tried and found it not only very descriptive in teaching you how to build the solar panel, but it also showed you how to make wind turbines too, and with very easy to get materials around the house and at the hardware store, so I can’t recommend it enough.


  6. Green N says:

    On the following blog you can find book review on the best DIY book (including video and support forum)


    The following Book will teach you anything you need in order to build solar panels and as a bonus you will get instructions how to build wind generator

    Good Luck!

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