


What are ALL the pros and cons for solar power?

Question by Iloveyou: What are ALL the pros and cons for solar power?
I want all the solar power pros and cons and i mean all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plz!!!!!!!!!:(

Best answer:

Answer by john
solar has come along way although still kinda high to purchase if done right will pay for itself in about 10 years is power bill savings. they are working on a new kind of solar panel right now where they can actualy print the cells onto a thin metal the cost should drop here in the next few years. all i know on that

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Not only solar power innovation takes the stage, but a combined windpowered turbine-solar powered system is in the pipeline in terms of vertical power generation

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  1. Multiverse says:


    Its renewable
    Environmentally friendly
    No noise pollution


    It isn’t very efficient
    Its expensive
    Only works in daylight hours

  2. talkonlytalk says:

    Read this

    Is it clear enough?

  3. G-Man says:

    Pros: The energy source can’t be depleted
    Cons: It costs a lot of money to buy and get installed

  4. April M says:


    One: When you use solar power, you are helping the earth because you are using a natural resource to get the energy that you need. You will no longer be causing air pollution to get your electricity. This is a big advantage to a lot of people because everyone needs to do their part to help save the earth and this is a big way to do that.

    Two: When you use energy from the sun, you will have an endless supply because this energy source will never go away. So, this will no longer be a concern like it is if you use gas or oil for your energy sources.

    Three: With a solar power home, you will not be limited on how much of this energy source you can use because it is free to use the sun. So, there will be no more high bills every month when you use more electricity than you usually do.

    Four: With a solar power home, there will be little maintenance to use a solar power system. With solar energy, there are no parts that move and the solar cells will last for your lifetime, so there is hardly any maintenance required. This means that you don’t have to figure maintenance cost into your budget every month because there won’t be any.


    One: The main problem with getting a solar power home is that it can be very expensive to get a system installed. You will have to research this to be sure of the cost to power your entire home. There are people every day working to make the cost for this energy source cheaper, but until they do, it is still expensive to use. You can build your own system by getting a manual to teach you how to do it. This will cut down on how much it costs you for a solar power home.

    Two: With a solar power home, one big drawback is that if the sun is not shining then you can’t produce solar energy. In other words, when it is raining, at night or even times in the winter, you will not be able to use this power source.

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