


Why is Coal nonrenewable and why is wind power renewable ?

Question by : Why is Coal nonrenewable and why is wind power renewable ?

Best answer:

Answer by Mike1942f
Coal is buried in the ground and no more is being made
Wind is made everyday.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

>>Wind is clean and green as opposed to Coal
>>Small Wind Turbine can be easily homemade- Small Wind Turbine while Coal required machineries for large scale digging
>>Wind is user-friendly and renewable as opposed to Coal which has limits on its resources and dirty.

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  1. gintable says:

    Coal is the fossilized remains of ancient life of millions of years ago.

    If you use it faster than nature can replenish the supply (i.e. depleting the supply within a few hundred years), then it is by definition non-renewable.

    Wind power continuously renews itself. What wind power primarily is, is sun energy. The sun’s energy makes for the differentials of land and water temperatures that drive the buoyantly driven flow of air. This will happen no matter what. The supply of wind cannot be exhausted.

    The supply of MATERIALS needed to build the wind turbine…now that can be non-renewable.

  2. William Donovan says:

    Wind and sunlight are there all the time, never ending.

    Coal is a substance that you mine out of the ground and is NOT replaced. When it runs out there will be no more.

    Same with OIL.

  3. TheRockMaster says:

    Simple explanation:

    Coal was produced over millions of years ago in conditions which cannot be replicated in a short period of time. When coal is combusted (used to generate heat or electricity) it cannot be used again therefore it is non renewable.

    Wind power, is something which is to do with the atmosphere. Wind is an almost certain thing which can be used millions of times over and over again. For this reason it is renewable. and sustainable.

    Hope this helps!

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