


wind turbine and solar hybrid system

two times 60 watt solar panels added to my wind turbine system
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  1. platinum243125 says:


  2. TheWindMillMan says:

    yes though they can be linked in to one if blocking do
    iodes are used

  3. platinum243125 says:

    Do you need two inverters to have this kind of system?

  4. CarlVanDoren says:

    Hurricane Wind Power Wind Turbine Technologies LLC, Hurricane Perfect Storm™ 2kW Permanent Magnet Alternator Quad Output™ Made in USA

  5. windturbinesinc says:

    Yeah. Others are not yet aware of the benefits that they can get using wind energy through wind turbines. If we take a look at it, there’s no risk even if you try this out since wind energy is just free but you already get something out from it which is really nice. There’s nothing to lose. Really. 

  6. TheWindMillMan says:

    what can I say yes, true one day this and solar, water, thermal vents will have to cover all our needs, for now man is just playing at it, its expensive now, one day you will be able to paint your all houses with a electromechanical conductive paint and generate power clothes to run all your personal needs ,with HHO powered transport from solar, so fill the tank as you park in the sun and knock out more with domestic wind turbines at night, a full tank for free, all from water

  7. windturbinesinc says:

    To cut off your bill, you can use wind turbines to provide you electricity using wind energy. Wind has power and you can prove that through these wind turbines that lets you generate your own electricity. How was that? There were countries that is already engaged in using wind turbines in their households and even businesses. It is more practical and it’s good to know that this is just for free. Everybody will definitely like that.

  8. HalfNekoJames says:

    it does, though is that the same in the states? because what ive read is that they just pay you for any power surplus you make. 

  9. TheWindMillMan says:

    NO. you get paid for the 3kw if power generated is counted back into grid, and these counted units can be added up to get ROC’s (renewable obligation certificates) and these can then be sold to the utility company as they need to now generate a % of RE power, and buy yours off you also you get to use the ones you put back into grid back out for free so really you get paid twice 1x £1 in = £1+ ROC’s payment out ,
    not a bad trick I think. Hope this helps you out bud
    regards Andy

  10. HalfNekoJames says:

    sorry this took so long i meant anything over the amount of power you use like for example, if you use 2.4kwhrs in 2 weeks and produce 3.0 kwhrs in 2 weeks they pay you for every watt over that you put back into the system …at least that is what i think iw as thinkign at that time. 🙂

  11. TheWindMillMan says:

    @YoungAndPrepping  yes

  12. TheWindMillMan says:

    24V – 48V system –6mm min up to 20M……. 10mm up to 50M

    12V system –10mm all the way

  13. kricotas says:

    the gauge # of the cable conected to the wind turbine?
    nice video!

  14. TheWindMillMan says:

    – sorry J I dont get you point can you explain so I may answer you accurately, most utility companies pay for your ROC world wide so that they can reach their RE unit quanta for that year….. that sucks … gravity ???? Im Lost
    cheers andy

  15. HalfNekoJames says:

    that sucks, wind and solar is actually encouraged here, matter of fact they pay YOU for it.

  16. TheWindMillMan says:


  17. bgbyer says:

    Thanks for sharing 🙂

  18. TheWindMillMan says:

    in the UK the gov take everything else off you the harder you work the more you pay so i hate my UK setup also and this is my way to get even and (moonshine Ha Ha)

    PS were you from

  19. 96bikerider96 says:

    in my country you have to pay a yearly fee to have windmills like these and solar panels… 😐 i hate the government lol

  20. TheWindMillMan says:


  21. 111110001 says:

    Good job!

  22. TheWindMillMan says:

    have just added another 800A battery set so since this vid I got 1600A added on so getting there soon be able to weld steel LOL
    regards andy

  23. Mikebriand says:

    nice nice. Thanks for the reply

  24. spikeslawson says:

    I think until he increases his capacity he has no need. The solenoid was constantly switching loads from battery to the sink which means he is maintaining a fully charged bank.

  25. Mikebriand says:

    mount the turbine higher. it will pick up for generation from the upper wind currents

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