


Home Made Energy Reviewed

Home Made Energy reviewed by www.SaveOnPowerToday.com
Video Rating: 3 / 5


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  1. Charleen Muehlhause says:

    Guys, making your own home energy does not have to be hard (I used to feel it did). I’ll give you some advice right now. Search a alternative home energy called Xobotano Home Energy (google it). Seriously, Xobotano Home Energy has save huge amounts of my money. I probably shouldn’t even be mentioning it cause I do not want a bunch of other folks out there running the same “game” but whatever, I am in a great mood today so I’ll share the wealth haha.

  2. breezyrican says:

    If you want to learn how to make your own home made energy then go to this review site or type it in your adress bar. its very helpful and now i only pay 10 dollars a month for my electricity bill.


  3. breezyrican says:

    If you want to learn how to make your own home made energy then go to this review site or type it in your adress bar. its very helpful and now i only pay 10 dollars a month for my electricity bill.


  4. 7777cameron7777 says:

    WHy don’t you do it?

  5. mavman0131 says:

    ALSO, there is NO instructions on how to actually mount the panels once you get them built, OR how to connect the system to your house, such as wire gauges and such.

  6. bdeshawn says:

    This review is over two years old. Please re-review and give us a fresh look at this company. Thank you.

  7. lkrush112 says:

    program is the best id ove to know the name

  8. adrianaea1 says:

    get free video reveals a crazy trick that cuts your electricity bill by 75% (or more) in less than a month visit / homemadeenergy.net46.net

  9. jdogg67333 says:


  10. footstomp1 says:

    This is the only “real” and “affordable” on the market.

  11. powerkor says:

    did you make a working solar panel from this product? that’s the only way you could possibly recommend the product, but no – you’d rather creak your chair, click through some sreen-saves, laugh through your big nose, and probably scratch your hairy BALLS while BS’ing your way through this worthless crap video. F- for effort.

  12. ace7953 says:

    So what’s another ebook with videos that is more thorough and complete on building your own solar panel system. please recommend

  13. professorcurtis says:


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