


Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors (LFTR): Energy for the Future?

Hank addresses a highly requested topic – liquid fluoride thorium reactors – and tells us how LFTR might be the future of energy in … China? Like SciShow o…

Rockabilly energy drink.


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  1. electrocat1 says:

    God, why are the world’s governments so closed minded? They build weapons
    and fight like little children. Why can’t we just advance for the sake of
    wonder, and not war?

  2. rjmprod says:

    Just another thing that makes China smarter than us! They can see the
    obvious, we can’t! Isn’t that how Obama got into office?

  3. Michael Rubacha says:

    Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors (LFTR): Energy for the Future?

  4. jameseglavin4 says:

    I’m SO glad SciShow decided to cover this, but there are a few nagging
    inaccuracies in the video (maybe just simplification for the sake of time).
    The longest videos on a YT channel called Gordon McDowell are a much more
    thorough and detailed resource on this topic, and anyone interested would
    be able to understand them. I’m not trying to shill for Gordon but his
    videos really got me excited and I went on to learn a lot more about it.
    The world, not just the US or China, needs LFTR! I hope some of you inform
    your govt. representatives and push them to create a LFTR project, wherever
    you may live. Clean, safe power for everyone that’s cheaper than coal! And
    it’s not a fusion/solar/water powered car fantasy – reactors like this one
    have been made and have been technical and practical successes. Go learn
    more! Thanks SciShow!

  5. Dud Elmer says:

    Fails to say it ran for 5+ years with only 1 issue ( valve leak and it
    sealed ITSELF)

  6. Amir Rasheed says:

    Fails to say it ran for 5+ years with only 1 issue ( valve leak and it
    sealed ITSELF)



  8. galt57 says:

    It’s sad that the death of molten-salt reactor research can be traced back
    to a rather daffy decision by Richard Nixon, who wanted to create nuclear
    jobs in California rather than Tennessee.

  9. SpazzyMcGee1337 says:

    If you watched this video and are now reading this post then you should
    post a link to this video on your social media accounts. The future of
    energy depends on it.

  10. William Gregor says:

    One more thing. Technology and science keep advancing I saw a hover
    skateboard the other day. “Back to the future” where I am going is I think
    LFTR is safe for the next 100 years and does not leave us with a bunch of
    radioactive stuff for centuries. In 100-200 years we maybe able to run our
    cars on water, and generate the homes power needs with a small fuel cell at
    no more cost than drilling a well for water is today. Inconvenient cost
    but not a price that ruins a family.

  11. Acheron River says:

    Hmm… What do I think about it.
    I’m pretty sure we should have built this type of reactor on mass scales
    back at the turn of the century. Hopefully we will have them by the time
    sealab 2021 happens…

  12. Philip Parkinson says:

    Anything that get’s us away from nuclear reactors is a good thing. Like
    making peace profitable, or real solar efficiency. 

  13. StrategicGathering says:

    Thorium must be mined, and therefore is not environmentally friendly. 

  14. bost h says:

    Americans are idiots. I am ashamed

  15. DANN Beelzeboss says:

    Being American, Im pretty sure we’ll just wait for China to build them. Its
    kind of what we do.

  16. leerman22 says:

    China really needs this to curve their coal habits. We use CANDU in Ontario
    to ditch our coal plants. Those can also run on thorium like what India is

  17. Jonathan Schattke says:

    I’m terribly sorry, you have made some mistakes.
    1) Both Thorium and Uranium decay with gamma, beata and alpha particles; in
    fact, the decay chain touted as making thorium based nuclear more
    “proliferation resistant”, the U232 chain, has higher energy gammas in it
    than in the U235 or U238 decay sequences.
    2) The liquid fluoride salt is fuel, moderator (in some cases) and coolant.
    while this makes the design safer in many ways (the high melting
    temperature means low pressure for similar or better thermal efficiency;
    the system can be quickly rendered subcritical and passive coolable by
    channeling the salt into small containers), it does mean you have a primary
    loop full of active fissionable compounds, and there will be some fission
    (and thus high energy neutrons) everywhere that coolant loop goes, which
    makes the business of primary core shielding much more interesting.
    3) Thorium waste (U233) ALSO makes bombs – actually better bombs than U235,
    and only slightly worse than Pu239.

  18. Leo Pingol says:

    Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors (LFTR): Energy for the Future?

  19. priit mölder says:

    I want a LFTR reactor to power my home and/or “Tony Stark style underground
    garage workshop…thingy”!!!. I have done the research and determined the
    cost: 10x less, than conventional reactors, maintaince is 25x cheaper+safer
    and the fuel is almost 10.000 times cheaper/ubundant. So why havent we done
    it yet? Simple: the “economic” elite would collapse under the drop of the
    cost of energy! Sure enough, they have begun to “outlaw” the trafic of said
    element, because OF the ease of which in can be used! Wonder why its so
    difficult to trafic this element…because Uncle Sam and Ching Chong
    Chinaman want to suck Habib-al Salamen dry of all the jummy OIL, which the
    economy is based on! MO MANEEEEH, MOA MANEEEH!

  20. sexyloser says:

    With abundant energy, comes solutions to a lot of the current problems
    facing the world. Desalination and fresh water would be dirt cheap,
    production of all goods and services including food and medicine would be
    dirt cheap and the processing power of machines could be scaled up if
    energy was abundant.

    If there is one avenue of progress that we should take seriously as a
    species, then its energy production.

  21. followthefleet1 says:

    There’s also the IFR, the Integral Fast Reactor, which is 4th gen, nuclear,
    but which has all the features of the LFTR. The IFR, unlike the LFTR, is a
    proven technology developed in 1994 at Argonne. It has 300 years of
    operational experience. The GEH, S-PRISM is poised for commercialization,
    in the UK to burn their huge waste dump. I’m in favor of continued
    research, and the construction of a LFTR prototype, but we do have one 4th
    gen proven technology already…the IFR.

  22. William Gregor says:

    Leadership thats what is needed. Someone like JFK to say we will build
    LFTR not because it is easy but because it is hard and develops a world we
    can be proud to leave to our children. Seems like stability is the primary
    reason to go this way.

  23. Aleksandr Podyachev says:

    everyone, please share the heck out of this video!

  24. grumpystiltskin says:

    LFTR would cost about $1 / American to build the first plant. Definately
    worth it. A LFTR plant is 50x cheaper than a Uranium plant, which is why
    you don’t care about closing the uranium plants. Cleaning up the waste
    from the uranium LWR plants gets a l ot cheaper too, because you can dump
    it in the LFTR and it will get eaten up and be safe immediately and within
    300 years be safe for disposal.

    The fuel for the LFTR is over 100x cheaper, which is the real reason
    industry wasn’t interested. Reactors are sold like razor/razorblades.
    Only one fuel fits, so the plant is discounted. But LFTR eats a liquid
    fuel made of a cheap as dirt commodity. How do you patent a rock? How do
    you make money on a plant no more expensive than a typical fertilizer plant
    if you cant even sell them fuel? 

  25. jackinthebox4934 says:

    What do I think? What the fuck are we doing?!! We have plenty of bombs and
    nuclear subs as it is, why not make the fucking switch. Reduce, reuse,
    recycle, Thorium has all of these! WHAT ARE WE DOING???

  26. Viktor Calhoun says:

    He should have been drinking a PBR in stead.

  27. Patrick Ellis says:

    he threw the can in the backseat

  28. Billy Gibbons says:

    Do you know something, he may have thrown the can in the back seat after
    all. The reason I think that is, if he’d have thrown it on the road as I
    first thought, it would have made a noise a bit …er….like a can being
    thrown on the road. The fact it didn’t, makes me think it landed on the
    back seat. Oh, I’ll sleep better now. Billy Gibbons. Not the ZZTop one,
    another one..

  29. Дима М says:


  30. Noemi Kovaz says:


  31. phizgp says:

    It’s a 1950 Buick Special 51 Super convertible.

  32. kirsikka69 says:

    Yiiihaaa!!!! Cool!

  33. Youaresorancid says:

    That advert was cool – untill he chucked his can out the window. What a

  34. Nate Olson says:

    Does anyone know who owns or who was the person who built this kustom ’50
    Buick, and has it been in any magazines, or will it be in any magazines,
    such as Rebel Rodz, Ol’ Skool Rodz and/or Car Kulture Deluxe.

  35. Mikael Hostrup Thomsen says:

    Cool!! 🙂 Maybe he threw it in the backseat?

  36. captainpegs07 says:

    every cliche in the book

  37. IntertubeTr0ll says:

    Promotes littering. And it’s a shit Ad.

  38. ArmseligGeil says:

    life is full of surprises, you should sit back and enjoy.

  39. strandwolf says:

    Ever read The Monkey Wrench Gang by Edward Abbey? Sure…everyone has.
    Abbey used to toss his beer cans out the window alongside the road just to
    offend the tender-hearted hypocritical libs. Nice aluminum cans make good
    spider hideouts. They’re only a visual blight, like graffiti. I know you’d
    rather look at corporate billboards….

  40. Nate Olson says:

    Does anyone know, who built the ’50 Buick Kustom, that’s in this video?

  41. Johnny Gravestone says:

    whiskey can fuel a car! fuck PBR! hey! that rhyimes!!

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