


Q&A: anyone else feeling this way?

Question by : anyone else feeling this way?
Lately, I have noticed a change in my priorities. Up until now, my 2 main interests have been wood working and Xbox. I laid awake the other night stressing over the urge to sell my lathe and replace it with survival gear. water purifier, hiking equipment, a firearm or two. I have started getting serious about my health. I run and lift weights (huge for me because I consider myself to be quite lazy) I have been researching all the different styles of martial arts, in an attempt to find one that is right for me. I am researching things like alternate sources of DIY energy production, ammo reloading, outdoor survival techniques. I have never killed anything in my 35 years of life, but now I feel like I have to learn how to hunt and how to process my own game. I need to have alternative ways to provide nourishment, shelter and protection for my family. On top of that, I have the sense of a ticking clock looming over me. I shared this with my wife. she has recently began exercising as well. She is running 3 miles a day right now and has suddenly gained this will power that she has never had before. She told me that while she is running and pushing herself to do better, she is constantly hammered with the thought, that this is all for a reason. Her need to build stamina and her desire to learn more about gardening and the like. She said it is an almost scary feeling to wonder why she might need to be able to run for an extended period of time one day. I am sure that some will say, that Texas is finally making a redneck out of me. Or perhaps I am finally maturing and loosing some of my childish selfishness. midlife crisis, insanity, whatever. My question is, Does anyone else seem to be experiencing this type of shift? and as a bonus question,if you happen to say yes,is, What is your relationship with god? I am not a christian. My wife is.
if this topic happens to intrigue you, I ask that you pass the link around. I am truly curious to know if it is just me.

Best answer:

Answer by Vishnu
it happens. it is normal

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  1. wishnuwelltoo says:

    No, I have never heard of that, and I don’t know any other people in Texas doing that either. Maybe it is a mid life crisis. I think Kickboxing would be fun tough.

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