


Transistor DC to AC power inverter

This video shows a DC to AC power inverter that has a regulatet output voltage, and there is no intergrated circuit used. The 50Hz square wave signal gets ge…

Schematic and notes: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/55950000/inverter.png the fan was actually going pretty fast, but the framerate of the camera messed…
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  1. IcarusWingsofWax says:

    Does anyone know what song was playing on the radio?

  2. AHMAD ALFAIFY says:

    Thanks Mr. Stefan , i will re built this Inverter and test it .

    Like + Sub + Share = U
    Eng.Ahmad Al Faify

  3. alamzeb khan says:
  4. The Lightning Stalker says:

    The bulb was flickering because of the way it was hooked it up. Light bulbs
    need good contact in the bulb base or else they will flicker. The
    vibrations from the music are enough to disturb the connection. I took a
    look at your circuit. It is nice and simple. Very nice. Commercial units
    have what is called an approximated sine wave. There is some “dead time”
    where both transistors are off. It’s not easy to do with all discretes,
    though. I used to drive mine with a PWM chip like TL494.

  5. Đao Đinh Hieu says:

    có thể cho tôi sơ đồ va nguyen ly cua mạch dc không..

  6. Mrinfoone says:

    Did you make? where did you get from? what type off appliance?

  7. djoanzoc says:

    Yeah Big ups!

  8. 14kukucka says:

    can you send me a shematic and pcb designs on server27792@gmail.com thanks

  9. BloKK187 says:

    so schlechtes English hab ich schon lange nichmehr gehört

  10. Rami Bou Shakra says:

    Do i need heat sinks for the power transistors if i will use this circuit
    only for experimenting the output? (a 100 watt lamp may be connected)
    Please reply as soon as possible

  11. andres CL says:

    hello would like to know the components using the circuit and the
    transformer that is kind to buy materials and diagram printing, if you can
    put a download link yet, grateful, very good video I like and want to do
    something similar, when thanks you answered my message, greetings

  12. Ariel Torres says:

    hola amigo saludos . me han dicho que tu me puedes ayudar en amigos de
    youtube estoy construyendo un inversor de voltaje con un amperaje bastante
    elevado con unos 200 amperios o si tienes como echarme la mano con un
    diagramita de como elevar el amperaje de mi coche ………. grasias =)

  13. keettaylor says:

    The reason the efficiency is not that good is because mainly a square wave
    is being used which is full of harmonics. ie the rising and falling edges
    are very high frequency straight up and straight down. The frequency in is
    the same as out but would be rounded off due to the magnetic field
    collapsing on the change from pos to neg of the wave. As for hot
    transistors attach them to a large piece of metal TIP trans have a metal
    tag on them for doing this normally with a small screw hole about 4 mm.

  14. dazling69 says:

    Holy Shit!!! You have 230V with bare conductors! What current protection
    have you got? how on earth would you disconnect the power? and finally have
    you got a death wish????

  15. Raja Sunkara says:

    great video, nice application please put the circuit and its components and
    if possible rajasunkara9@gmail.com thank you

  16. ddgg00 says:

    it would just be easier to put a transformer on the ac side instead of
    having that much dc going through it! btw great video

  17. Stephen D says:

    nice thing i like this please show the circuit and explain that.

  18. Herr Segelohrenbob says:

    großartig 🙂 sag, gibts den schaltplan irgendwo?

  19. ThePillenwerfer says:

    Cool music.

  20. Mr. Transistor says:

    can i see schematics for this? i have been trying to make this exact thing
    for a while now but i cannot seem to find a simple one. your looks simple

  21. andres CL says:

    hola quisiera armar uno igual al tuyo, me podrias pasar todo lo necesario
    para almarlo, gracias muy buen aportee

  22. Rich Reynoso says:

    Hi, I’m wondering if you were able to get the schematics together. I would
    appreciate it very much!

  23. ElectricM4n says:

    Hey, kommt da auch Sinus Spannung raus? Oder Rechteck? Ich versuche auch
    gerade einen Wechselrichter zu bauen, allerdings einen ganz einfachen der
    halt nur den Strom in die entgegengesetzte Richtung fließen lässt.

  24. Jhun Thefaithtone says:

    sir gud day to you, gute idee indeed, i am interested with your invention,
    may i ask for a clearer schematic diagram and complete parts. m e-add is
    epdapiton@gmail.com thanks jhundaps

  25. 2124reading says:

    Do you have plans i could use to build this?

  26. Alan sides says:


  27. Edmorbus says:

    Thanks for sharing Have you circuit schematic for me

  28. NTG56 says:

    Sure, I put a link to the schematic with notes in the video description. A
    few warnings: Use a very low duty cycle when first choosing how long the
    transistors will be on/off. EG: every cycle they are on, have them off for
    ten. Make sure you test everything on a current limited power supply before
    trying it with batteries. There is no form of feedback for
    frequency/voltage; could be fixed by having the micro monitor the AC output
    via a resistor divider or opto isolator on another analog input.

  29. Al yami says:

    impressive !

  30. NTG56 says:

    Don’t have the circuit assembled in front of me, but I remember it was
    proportional to the load and fairly efficient. I think it added about
    10-20% overhead, so instead of 12V 1000mA in / 120v 100mA out, you’d see
    something like 12v 1150mA in. IGBTs have super low resistance, so if you
    get the timing right, you can get away with very little waste heat.

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