


►►► Homemade Free Magnetic Energy Generator Plans ◄◄◄

► Homemade Free Magnetic Generator Plans. After a long absence I am back with exciting new information that I look forward to your constructive feedback on. Much like that of a big think tank, I invite you, the inventor and tinkerer in you to join me in a 100% open forum right here on Youtube to what I feel will be ground breaking work towards moving away from high energy bills, while moving towards self recharging electric cars. Yes there are all kinds of Free energy devices on the web, but I have yet to find one single video that shows/proves their device will power itself nonstop for months, let alone run continuously for years. ► In my video I explain to you a major upgrade on an old but simple idea that is based upon works that originated way back to the 1880s, around the time when in 1888 Nikola Tesla invented the first practicable AC motor and with the poly phase power transmission system. But don’t let the fancy terms scare you away if by chance this is all new to you, because what I am about to show you can be built by most teenagers of 16 and up. ☺ Kids, please ask for your parent’s guidance before starting this project as the rare earth magnets used in this project are the strongest magnets in the world, and can seriously injure you!! For real. ► Sometime in the 1970s, a man by the name of Joseph Newman reconfigured/simplified the DC electric motor to what is better known today as the Joseph Newman Motor which is supposedly self running. The only real way

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  1. teknik13a says:

    you are a fraud!

  2. gmesthermax says:

    If you want to get the plans for building a Magnetic Generator
    – Search Google for “Top Magnetic Generator”
    and click the first result
    I found it to be a great resource

  3. MultiGazman says:

    @FreeMagneticEnergy2 Yeah i know they are,Alex Jones is another victim of youtube censoring.How did the updated version go?

  4. magickoutlaw1 says:

    truely, great video

  5. instantproducts says:

    please build it. show diagram and schematic. and not so much talking.

  6. lykenth08 says:

    w w w(.)youtube(.)com/user/romerouk#p/a/u/1/dDW_OfkIaIU. this is a muller, self running.

  7. lykenth08 says:

    @wyrrox w w w(.)youtube.com/user/romerouk#p/a/u/1/dDW_OfkIaIU

  8. FreeMagneticEnergy2 says:


    If you were listening carefully, you would know that the term, Free Magnetic Energy implies the energy is only free after the cost of the device, in that you don’t have to keep writing checks to the electric company.

    Rather than say all this is fake, build it before you pass judgment which is based upon outdated physic books. Cold fusion is another great example.

  9. FreeMagneticEnergy2 says:


    ► Thank you for such a great question.

    ► The larger coils do not net to be charged, as their sole duty is to generate power as the magnets spin within the two larger coils. Only the two smaller coils ever receive a momentary charge from the battery per revolution… all other times, the four coils work in tandem in keeping the battery fully charge.

    By the way, I now have *indisputable proof that Youtube is suppressing channels like mine that are on the up and up.

  10. MultiGazman says:

    Interesting idea, If it were that simple to fix,It would be obvious to a man like Nikolas Tesla.
    Lets face it,The man was centuries ahead of his time.
    What i dont understand is,If the 2 big coils are to run the smaller ones which in turn charge the battery then where does the larger coils get there charge from?

  11. FreeMagneticEnergy2 says:

    @theonethatgoofs, please don’t buy magnets from Home Depot, as they are not what you need. You want rare earth magnets for maximum performance/output. You can but Neodymium Magnets N52 and N42 starting at around $0.70 each to $5.95 for some really nice ones. Don’t cheap out what ever you do. To get magnets at a great price Google the following: Magnet 4 Less

  12. theonethatgoofs says:

    ive found that in my test that i cant charge a battery faster then i can discharge it .it gets real hot an overheats . than i cant charge it any more . but if the return is larger then the load than run caps with a unit such as load dump of anything over used to run it . or overunity . ill let you know ill build one . my income tax came in . im off to the home depot for 100 more rec magnets. becouse if layer them in a circle and have a dead spot 5 more circles will overcome a dead spot ;)wink

  13. FreeMagneticEnergy2 says:


    It will be an eye opener one way or the other. I liked your toy race car video by the way. I had no idea that the industry has come such a long ways, especially with such a large outdoor track. I use to race real cars, and my love for it has never stopped.

  14. miquelmahhhh says:

    waiting more notices 😉 ……….. +1

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