


Are ‘Solar Panel Roads’ The Future?

Finding a way to replace regular, concrete roads with ones that could better serve a sustainable world has long been Scott and Julie Brusaw’s dream. Lately, …

Graphene is a revolutionary material with a special atomic arrangement that gives it truly unique properties–such as transmitting electrical current faster …
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  1. Thunderf00t says:

    actually, magic would be a better way of solving all of these issues at
    once. Magic will not only do all the things solar roads will do, but will
    also allow you to magically transport yourself from a to b AND help fight
    dark wizards.

    Sure if you want to believe everything you read that makes you feel good,
    then solar roads are for you.
    For everything else there is science, and those who understand it.

    Just run the calculations of average snow fall on us roads, and the energy
    required to melt it.

  2. MilitantAntiTheist says:

    The oil industry just has to say the magic word “socialism” and Americans
    will be up in arms protesting against it.

  3. Jin Okubo says:

    I’m amazed by how many people actually believe solar roads can work. The
    stupidity of modern society you just astounds me. There’s no way this
    project is in any way feasible. 

  4. meowskull says:


  5. instantdebris says:

    There’s no way this would come into existence on a large scale while we
    have capitalism.

  6. BuddhaBebop says:

    add in comprehensive mass transit to it and youve got a winner

  7. Syrinx69 says:

    Roads? Where we’re going you don’t need roads..

  8. darttoyou1 says:

    Chump change to the Kock Bros, Come on you scrooge mother fuckers. Heres
    your chance to be the kings in a new clean energy and say fuck it to that

  9. Undead Killa says:

    The man made global warming advocates have been making incorrect
    predictions for over 20 years! Is not science suppose to be about the
    ability to make accurate predictions? Something man made global warming
    “science” apparently knows nothing about. And imho should therefore no
    longer be called a science, at least until they make their very first
    accurate prediction, then maybe i will reconsider calling it science

  10. DAK4Blizzard says:

    Being carbon free is not limited to keeping CO2 out of the atmosphere and
    preventing dangerous warming — although that’s most important now. Even if
    we can remove enough CO2 from the atmosphere to outpace emissions, we still
    have to worry about the CO2 that enters the ocean, as it’s already
    beginning to harm ocean life. Also, oil and coal will both have to be
    phased out as their supply dwindles. Granted, that may take a couple of
    centuries if our consumption doesn’t accelerate further, but the point is
    we’ll need to figure out a completely new system.

    A lot of fresh technology comes with costs. Credit cards put a burden on
    retailers and can increase prices a bit, digital TV forced some old TVs out
    of commission, smart phones helped expand work to after-hours for some,
    etc. We have to be open to accepting the costs that would come with
    replacing our cars and roads, in that we should weigh them against their
    benefits and ask which would provide a more sustainable environment and
    stable market.

  11. drbg11 says:

    No. It wont work, it doesn’t make ANY fucking sense.
    From reddit:
    this is a ludicrous idea.
    there’s no shortage of empty space to put solar panels – they cost a
    fortune to produce and, given that, the one thing you want is an
    unobstructed path between the sun and the panel. every car driving over
    them blocks out the sun, covers them in mud and wears out the surface of
    the panel.
    solar panels are smooth and glassy so that they don’t refract a lot of
    light – this is the opposite of what you want from a drivable road surface
    with a lot of grip.
    as soon as these charlatans can give some figures about the costs per-mile
    per-lane for these, expected life time, how they age, how much energy they
    actually produce etc. etc. then fine. but at the moment they’re just liars
    who long ago realised how crazy the concept is.

  12. dangerouslytalented says:

    one practical problem: Roads have cars on them. The more cars, the more the
    road gets shaded. The more shade, the less power.

  13. Capgungoesbang says:

    I am so thankful for this, it gives me hope. They’re only asking for a
    million dollars, it would only take like two or three celebrities or one
    billionaire to pitch in and help them meet their goal instead of buying a
    million dollars with of jewelry and clothes. Me and most other people don’t
    have money to support this kind of stuff, rich people need to start using
    their podium for good for once in their life.

  14. Jin Okubo says:

    Once a week I have a meeting with two structural engineers and two
    composite engineers. Not they are not in charge of working with roads but
    still they are engineers.
    I asked them this question.
    Are solar roads a good idea?
    All four answered no. I asked why and these are the responses.
    1. Slippery, No matter how much grip you give to glass it will wear over
    time and become slippery.
    2. Not economical, The cost of materials far outweighs any functionality of
    the road.
    3. Can’t see the LED’s in the daylight because of the brightness of the sun
    and or the angle of driving in a car.
    4. Cars and buildings in major cities would block too high of a percentage
    of the sun.
    5. Not safe. Sun on glass would give glare that has the potential to
    temporarily blind drivers.
    6. Not safe. Broken glass from one car accident would raise the injury
    potential to high when you take into the account that the panels would be
    broken under the strain of to cars colliding and or rolling on the solar

    Two of them also brought about the risk of glass dust as being comparable
    to breathing asbestos or fiberglass.
    So again this is a project that is so bad that it is down right criminal to
    take people’s money on such a pipe dream .

  15. BramSLI1 says:

    This is a brilliant idea. This can work and will give us free energy for
    many years to come. It’ll never happen though because our oil overlords
    won’t allow it. There is a solution to this though. Anyone know how to
    build a guillotine?

  16. Uncanny Loosecannon says:

    75% PERCENT!?!?! (head blows up)

  17. truebinx says:

    I sincerely hope that I live to see this day.

  18. FaceWhatsAhead says:

    Man! Let’s hope so!!!! Wow, what an idea.

  19. IIxxxMRBOBxxxII says:

    It could be the year 9000 and America would still be burning gas and coal
    if there was any left.Our leaders have made sure that cheap or free energy
    will NEVER catch on in this country.Keep electing Democrats and Republicans
    and nothing will change for the better.NOTHING!

  20. PopTartsnRocknRoll says:

    i have a science boner from ths

  21. Allow Assisted Suicide says:

    Despite “humiliating myself” in my last post, I am pushing ahead.

    Are ‘Solar Panel Roads’ The Future?

    “Logic” is independent of the source. Even if “peewee herman” provided
    solid reasoning… if the reasoning IS solid, then it deserves respect.

    WE NEED “Solar panel roads”. Sadly, that is a conflict of interest with the

    …so these roads will NEVER be a reality.

    …Hey, I also try to be a realist…

  22. dan g says:

    Fantastic idea.

  23. Luisa L says:

    I’ve been following this project since it’s infancy. This is the future.
    You pessimists will come up with anything to detour it, but it’s going to
    happen. Green energy is about to explode as the next major industry. I
    believe in progress. 

  24. TechnocraticBushman says:

    I’d love to see the retractions on this story and the whole planet is
    buying into it. I actually had to double check the calendar to make sure it
    was not launched on April 1’st. This is some Alex Jones shit. But before
    you call me a naysayer, please, as a thought exercise, can you think of at
    least one thing that you would do differently, that would improve on the
    efficiency of the project by a factor of at least 10.000 in terms of energy
    efficiency, durability and cost? Hint, move the panels along the road, not
    beneath it. But it wouldn’t sound as cool, would it?

  25. sourgummyworms99 says:

    the amount optimistic people commenting is overwhelming!!

  26. Hossam Zayed says:

    This is really great but at 1:52 it made me realize that almost all African
    and middle east countries are falling so much behind in scientific research
    !!!! so sad yet we have a lot of great inventors that just can’t find the
    supporting environment so they just lose hope and emigrate to other
    countries where they turn into science geniuses. 

  27. Glenn Hough says:

    The future of our energy and electricity will depend to this new
    technology… hopping that this will help preserve the natural energy for
    the future needs..

  28. Mitchell St. Louis says:

    The material of the future

  29. NHÂN HỒ TRUNG says:
  30. David Guzman says:
  31. Solar Hyderabad says:

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