


Here Comes the Sun (Rob van Hattum, VPRO Backlight)

The sun could easily provide the planet with sufficient energy, if only we are willing to change and to invest in harvesting that solar energy…
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  1. Shiver Hinge says:

    If every roof (and walls and windows, too) were covered in PV solar panels
    we would not need to smother the landscape with large fields of mirrors or
    solar panels, there would be more than enough energy captured for the
    world’s needs.
    We need to encourage the political will to create incentives and building
    codes that would promote this idea. Starting with homes and the factories
    that produce solar panels and their components.
    Deserts need not be covered up with solar panels; they need permaculture to
    return them to their green, pre-human, damage-free state.
    Clean energy and permaculture could clean up the planet and give millions
    of people something healthy, valuable and meaningful to do.

  2. Firat Kurt says:

    My favorite channel on youtube.. ! (y)


    Today we have 2014 and what happened, German solar industry failed, we
    still have BP , Shell and other oil companys. I belivie solar can be
    transitioning energy technology, but what be truly revolutionary is to
    develop tesla impulse technology. The problem who invest in wacky science
    and people with some sort of mental disability? So only was left is to
    research in some sort underground black box science projects and hope for
    the best…. 

  4. Rick Laviolette says:

    We kicked the $8 Trillion oilcan around the desert and it stopped rolling
    in the sand.

  5. PavlovsBitch says:

    bail out at the first mention of ‘climate change’ and whilst we’re on the
    subject of the sun as being the source of all alternative resources for
    energy, hasn’t anyone noticed the countless gallons of noxious toxins being
    loaded into the skies daily, blocking the sun?

  6. Ron van der Horst says:
  7. Robin Hughes says:

    the future http://www.riblakepower.com
    Take the time to watch
    call Robin Hughes 1-705-569-3275

  8. Robin Hughes says:

    here comes the sun shows you the near future
    This will soon be cheaper than coal
    will replace our dirty coal and dangerous Nuclear

  9. Dave Tozier says:

    The sun generates more than enough energy to meet our needs. The technology
    exists and its easier than you think. Why is it being kept from you?

    There is also technology that has been lost to us that is also capable of
    generating power for all our needs but it needs enterprising individuals to
    perfect it and bring it back.

    Free Energy Times Newsletter
    Find out whats up in this field for free.

  10. Oscar Benson says:
  11. Vishesh Sharma says:
  12. staninjapan07 says:

    44:20 The energy output is 50 times greater than it would be if it were
    coming from biomass (on the piece of land on which the speaker is
    standing). Case closed it would seem?

  13. paul8kangas says:

    If you want to put this brilliant idea forward, just put solar Panels on
    your roof. Vote with your feet, your roof and your money. Buy & install 10
    solar panels on your roof. This will shut down the nuclear power reactors.
    Herman Scheer, we owe you a great debt of gratitude. Youtube: paul8kangas

  14. Scribemo says:

    It will once the price of solar energy is out-competing them 😉

  15. Jako says:

    Ever heard of batteries?

  16. io007a says:

    @Sparclen good luck man as a curiosity of mine how is amsterdam i want to
    visit did you get hooked up on prostitutes and legal drugs? :)) i’m very
    curious about the way of life there ,i know holland is one of the most
    developed and free country in the world.

  17. greywarrior60 says:

    Probably the most important documentary I have seen in my life. Its almost
    two years old but I didn’t see it before. Prices for solar panels has
    decreased already to less then 1 USD per Watt, since Chinese entrepeneurs
    has entered the market. The guy in the vid talked about 3 USD, but that’s
    history! Within this decade solar energy will be cheaper than fossile and
    nuclear energy. Any investment in these old-fashioned technologies will be
    a waste of (tax-) money.

  18. wildfireOO says:

    Only Italy falls behind…our leaders are too involved with the old
    establishment to set us free from oil slavery

  19. TWO TOWNS BLUES says:

    it’s allright ;o)

  20. Sparclen says:

    @io007a I agree with you, which is why I’m studying Energy Science in

  21. fighterace5by5 says:

    It is a very distinct honor to prominently feature this information on my
    MAD WEB TV SCIENTIST PAGE web site as a “break through” technology. Thank
    you for your revolutionary work! I am currently successfully encouraging
    fighter plane enthusiasts to engage enemy energy tyranny. Google is very
    helpful when the title of my web site is typed into their search engine.

  22. Hans Lehner says:

    JAHRHUNDERT ENTDECKUNG: Eine neue, noch leistungsstärkere Solar Energie
    Quelle wurde am Institut für Raum Quanten Physik & Forschung IRQP/IRQF,
    Schweiz, entdeckt und heisst: SUPERNOVA ENERGIE. Und eine neue stationäre
    unter: supernova energie

  23. Thomas Wrobel says:

    Must admit I didnt think it was only 15%, I thought it would be double
    that. Still, its a pretty heavy lose. Hydrogen wont deterate at all with
    distance, making it a bit more flexible. Of course though, hydrogen
    pipelines arnt going to nearly be as safe/easy as electrical cables. I’m
    not sure of the energy densitys, but maybe the quickest solution would be
    the littarly ship the stuff? Of course, then you lose energy in the
    transport itself.

  24. The Green Moth says:

    solar energy is great, but it’s nature is to decentralize and empower the
    individual, and thus will not be replace the current big business
    paradigm.. we need to be much more EFFICIENT!! Less use means less money
    for providers etc.. Please consider that the current PROFIT system is
    threatened by some of these technologies.. We need to CHANGE THE PARADIGM
    in how we live!

  25. kcrone1 says:

    Solar’s ability to compete with conventional energy sources — called grid
    parity — will open new markets and allow it to survive without subsidy.
    Though there are regional variations, most experts peg that cost at about
    $1 a watt.

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