


How Photovoltaic Solar Cells Work

How Photovoltaic Solar Cells Work

Check out a one-minute animated video that shows how a solar cell converts sunlight into electricity.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

How can solar energy work on your house? this upcoming renewable green energy’s popularity. Find out what Enfinity can do for you. How Photovoltaic Solar Cells Work
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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2 pings

  1. mrams1 says:

    very nice video
    thank you

  2. MucusFelidae says:

    Why do the electrons move to the bottom of the cell,
    and not up?

  3. davea0511 says:

    He he he … what a stupid vidio. The solar cell they show is UPSIDE-DOWN! Silicon PV cells have the P-type (created with silicon + Boron) in the BOTTOM (it’s the substrate … 99% of all wafers are p-type), and the N-Type (created with phosphorus) is in the TOP. At least they have the electrons being generated largely in the P-type (next to the pn junction) and getting trapped in the N-type region where they’re then captured for doing useful work (creating potential – ie. voltage).

  4. stapleshotz says:

    @wariorx1z no

  5. jasonPianist says:

    excellent video. simple, but informative video. 🙂 keep it up!

  6. hestro48 says:

    This is a really good video. Explains the solar panels pretty well

  7. Duckingitout says:

    @baeronautics This is true that the lost electron from an atom makes it unstable, but the idea of electricity is that electrons are always flowing through a circuit so fast that a metal can be said to have a new electron as soon as it loses the other so there is no need to worry that a metal will react and combust for whatever reason. Plus the cells are sealed behind a casing I believe. But research more into it, I could be wrong, but it seems logical to me that this is why photovoltaics works.

  8. iheartseizures says:

    @wariorx1z as long as the coating is thick enough on each solar cell to prevent the excess silicon from escaping, they are fine. If they aren’t made to a set standard, this excess pure silicon can leak into the environment, and be somewhat harmful. Cancer causing no, but it is a toxin when released into the bloodstream.

  9. MrRuzo214 says:

    Thank you.

  10. wariorx1z says:

    i heard that this causes cancer and that it leaks radiation or something is that true?

  11. jessevortex says:

    wow real simple an straight forward, tnx

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  14. nickep12000 says:

    it’s basically a big diode

  15. baeronautics says:

    but what appens to the atom when the elecron is released .. wouldnt it become unstable?? and react and form a new substance?

  16. QF483 says:

    great vid, simple and easy to understand, helped me write notes for physics assessment and stopped me stressing, thanks for uploading 🙂

  17. pc4nae says:

    Every minute enough energy reaches the earth for to meet the need for one year?
    Yet in a video titled “Introduction to Solar Photovoltaics”, they state every hour enough energy reaches earth to meet the need for one year. So which is it, you can’t both be right. Maybe neither of you are right? Who to believe these days…

  18. pegobuilders says:

    Great video….photovoltaic panels are probably the most cost-effective way of generating energy in the home. They are generated by daylight and work even in the UK’s overcast climate

  19. ae5523 says:

    you a right olsfen1…the n type layer is on top!

  20. Olsfen1 says:

    You know what’s funny, he’s wrong. Solars cells work the other way around. The negative layer is on the top.

  21. UserIsAnFBIAgent says:

    Yeah, make them as big as you would like, or as big as you would need, and use Resistors to control the amount of electricity that comes out, or to control the flow of how much Voltage and Amperes you would like to come out. Easy.

  22. AeEgurl516 says:

    yehey! thanks for explaining this and putting it on youtube, I really need this for our electronics subject, becuase it is my report.

  23. SSBBplayerD says:

    The most clear and to-the-point video I’ve found on PV solar panels. thanks

  24. Soneclipseredvblue says:

    I’m a student as well. I just happened to take Environmental Science, which is one of my more favorite sciences, but other students took it thinking it would be an easy A, which was for me, but not so much for them.

  25. JimmyTheGreek2000 says:

    Why do you let idiots in your class.
    Could be your explanations are not so clear and concise!

  26. Nnnarekkk says:

    Change the title to advertisment. This didn’t show how solar panels work.

  27. davea0511 says:

    He he he … they forgot to have a little devil dude with a pitchfork with OPEC stamped on his forehead screaming as he bursts into flame when the sun hit him. That would be totally cool.

  28. dbcooper91 says:

    @EnfinityChannel @fosheimedet : Yes, some people are using it. BUT it is not a technology widely spread and affordable to most of the people, so they stick with the traditional one. AND we didn’t talk about politics yet (oil lobby etc)

  29. v3r71c0r says:

    Shame solar power is pretty irrelevant to the future beyond powering homes. Hence JET and ITER

  30. EnfinityChannel says:

    @21centuryg I think @dbcooper91 meant the auto-deployment of a solar installation on a roof 🙂 Could save a lot on installation costs actually…

  31. 21centuryg says:

    @dbcooper91 wait, but aren’t some people using this today?

  32. EnfinityChannel says:

    @86Brutus GREAT!!! Just wonderful that you can use this video for educational purposes… 🙂

  33. 86Brutus says:

    this is a wonderful video, im using it to teach my class about solar power. thanks!

  34. EnfinityChannel says:

    @fosheimdet No worries… I won’t take it personal 🙂

  35. fosheimdet says:

    @EnfinityChannel great… now you made me get bad consciousness for beeing so rude D: I must admit, I enjoyed the video even tho I learned nothing.

  36. EnfinityChannel says:

    @fosheimdet So sorry you don’t like the video. Ofcourse it’s only meant as a quick guide for home owners. I reckon more detailed information can be gathered in specialized magazines or studies.

  37. fosheimdet says:

    fucking crap video, doesnt tell you anything about how solar panels work

  38. EnfinityChannel says:

    @keithyt Hi there. I’m afraid I can’t provide you the exact details of the video. But your best bet is to calculate between 3500 – 8000 euro.

  39. keithyt says:

    how much does it cost to have a video like this made? It really is great 🙂

  40. OuterspaceGandalf says:


    “I Feel It All” by Feist

  41. EnfinityChannel says:

    @freddyfzbo It was made by a Swiss company, active in 3D rendering… not sure about the name though. I do remember they had a logo that has a hole in it. Adart.ch if I’m not mistaken…

    Hope it helps…

  42. freddyfzbo says:

    What firm made that video for you? I have a company in an unrelated business and would love to show something like that on our website?

  43. yoora1000 says:

    @EnfinityChannel ok. thanks 🙂

  44. EnfinityChannel says:

    @yoora1000 Hi there, I have actually no idea what the title of the song is, it came from a rights-free sound library.

  45. yoora1000 says:

    what’s the title of the song?

  46. EnfinityChannel says:

    Well, depending on the intensity, your installation would be broken. Best to insure it against lightning strikes if you live in an area that’s sensitive to it.

  47. MegaSaS123 says:

    I have one question. What if a lightning hits a solar panel?

  48. dbcooper91 says:

    Well, we have to wait a few decades until the technology shwon in this video will come true…

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