


RENEWABLE RESOURCES: solar energy, biomass, wind power, hydropower?

Question by cacciatore di bestie: RENEWABLE RESOURCES: solar energy, biomass, wind power, hydropower?
1) what are the environmental impact?
2) what are the social/political impact?
3) do america need renewable energy? … WHY?

Best answer:

Answer by Mr.357
Wind power is killing birds in California. It is also heating up the areas where wind farms are located.

Add your own answer in the comments!


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  1. Buddy says:

    Do your own research, your vague question could take pages to answer.

  2. Jenny says:

    Hydropower and wind energy has some serious environmental issues…
    Politically Greener energy sources are easy way to win elections :p
    Yes America needs renewable energy so dat its dependence on Arab world (crude oil) reduces

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