


Solar | Renewable energy

Question by amanda3271989: Renewable energy?
What are the best sources for someone to learn more about renewable energy? What renewable energy source do you think is ideal? What articles/books/podcasts/etc do you recommend on the subject? What do you think America’s plan should be in creating a more sustainable world?

Best answer:

Answer by Dan
I think we really should think about going back to horse and wagons.

What do you think? Answer below!

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  1. davetherave says:

    Wind power,must be amongst the favourites. After all it is free,and i would hope with us for a long time. If the winds did recede,some units could be removed,so leaving more wind for those remaining.

  2. JOHNNIE B says:

    Fossil fuels is the only source that mother nature has built in a process to automatically recycle the Corbin that is in the leaves. The fossil’s is the plant leaves and the earth has been recycling it for millions of years. That is where the present source of fossil fuels came from.

  3. qu1ck80 says:

    Here’s a cool site about renewable energy you should enjoy:


    I think that solar and wind power are both good, but they will only be partial players in our energy production in the future. Geothermal power and perhaps wave/tidal power could be pretty big as they are considered base load powers, meaning there is really now down time like for solar or wind. Also nuclear power will probably have to be pretty big in the future if we want to ween ourselves off of fossil fuel.

  4. sango says:

    gud sources-hydel,solar n biogas i guess…
    americas plan shud b more use of public transport

  5. Jeff S says:

    The internet is an amazing tool. As mentioned previously ,Union of Concerned Scientists of which I belong. Leonardo Energy, Earth Justice, Earth First, and Fixing the Planet are all good resources and chocked full of information and like minded people willing to help and educate.
    At present there are many renewables vying for the front seat and only the future and research monies will tell. Bio mass looks promising if we can nail down the processing costs. Wind and solar need a shot in the arm for efficiency. Nuclear, heaven forbid as far as I’m concerned may become a player again.
    There are plenty of blogs out there where a person can glean enough useful information without leaving your chair. Become part of the answer and you will learn exponentially, I guarantee it.
    The US needs to heed the IPCC and make some sacrifices. The upper court system in this country is stacked with eco unfriendlies,Thanks to G.W. which makes it very hard to win environmental cases in this day and age. I think a restructure is in order, the checks and balance system is out of balance. More research money and grants need to be slated for private individuals, to utilize and further the advancement of GREEN power.

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