


Solar Water Heater – Solar Power-Build-DIY-Make Money

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Video Rating: 5 / 5

This is a 24 volt Generator attached to a bike. Permanent Magnet Motor.


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  1. GemmaDeFleurWTE says:

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  2. kutuplos33 says:

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  3. RxLight says:

    The concept of these types exercise/generator equipment should replace all the wasteful equipment on the market. These sort of machines could be put in workplaces, gyms, schools, prisons, homes etc…..What’s not to love about better health, cleaner/cheaper energy.

  4. TheSunergizer says:

    Now we know how Denise keeps her awesome figure.

    On a side note. You need to raise the seat so your leg is straight on a down stroke. Otherwise you’re not using the full strength of your leg. Imagine trying to walk with your knees bent at a 90% angle.

  5. eresumes4vips says:

    love your videos; very edutaining!

  6. cr9527 says:

    mount a flywheel, it will be more efficient.

  7. aaaarrrgggghh says:

    you don’t need a chain to power your generator, a belt would waste less energy and be quieter

  8. sureshkumarbeee says:

    usefull one

  9. stoicreason says:

    Denis, please, your married to Spenny from Kenny vs. Spenny. Not only for looks but character as well.

  10. danthelongman says:

    now this is a lovely sight… husband and wife helping out for a good cause… thanks for the video..very detailed and helpful 🙂

  11. tan9807611 says:

    You could do a way better job….

  12. Chowmix12 says:

    10% law of energy…. you’re losing 90% of the energy as heat…

  13. gibs9105343 says:

    so if i maid one of theas i would have to have a rechargeable batery attached to store eletricity for later and what els carn i use a celing fan moter as well what moter did u use for it ???? could i use eany moter???????????????????//nice vid

  14. biogreeninvestments says:

    Creativity is always amazing, good job here!

  15. MegaDeathwarrant says:

    @nuclearthreat545 it’s funny because it does

  16. CollateralJacK says:

    Makes too much noise; the zombies will find you.

  17. tabaripalmer says:

    My eyes are open, I can see it blow in the wind, with my eyes closed and not physical, I feel it beating across my skin, means the realist thing is the unseen, you want 2 “CLICK MY NAME” 2 know what I mean, it is no secret for I HAVE FOUND IT!

  18. SSD99 says:

    Why not just use a cut-out relay?

  19. dick117 says:

    Wow, Dan Rojas’ wife is cool as hell.

  20. DanielleADooley says:

    @GREENPOWERSCIENCE If he meant AC generator, that would make more sense. AC generators are much more efficient, and converting AC to DC is more efficient than the other way around. Basically these two went about this the least efficient way possible. Still interesting though.

  21. supervaithi says:

    I really liked the video above. I would like to know if there is any way to overcome the problem of riding at a constant speed (at a constant voltage… im guessing there’s not). And how much power do i end up generating?? Is it efficient enough to be implemented in big gyms where a stationary cycle keeps running??

  22. supervaithi says:

    Hey. I’m a third year undergraduate doing my Electrical and Electronics Engineering in India. I’ve been thinking a lot about finding a way to generate electricity from things that are already rotating. For example a ceiling fan.. my professor said that i would merely be giving more power as input and taking the same extra power as output. Now i’ve been thinking about charging a battery with the help of cycles in a gym.

  23. dimensionalyspeaking says:

    wit works,

  24. mike081283 says:

    can i use a car alternator

  25. LtSurge659 says:

    To think that this concept could be used to provide electrical power to a Gold’s Gym through fat people pedaling constantly.

  26. wisdomandchange777 says:

    @nuclearthreat545 this is a cat meowing nonstop .

  27. KKHALIDful says:

    hey i liked this vid very much and i am gona make same to my school project but it seems to be very much costy and a bit difficult so can you please suggest me some thing like this ? please !

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