


Greenpeace Canada Installs Solar Panels on Oil Derrick

Greenpeace activists climbed Alberta’s iconic Leduc oil derrick at Edmonton’s Gateway Park to tell the Alberta government that the age of fossil fuel needs t…


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  1. Greenpeace International says:

    Our activists in Canada climbed an oil derrick and installed solar panels.

    #solar #panels #OhCanada 

  2. scottiboi1983 says:

    You realize it requires a significant amount of oil to manufacturer solar
    panels, as well as the clothing you are wearing in this video, let alone
    the computers we are viewing/generating the videos with…

    Nice job in Peru you dumb shits. 

  3. Michael Abbate says:

    Solar is horribly expensive and can not survive organically in the private
    sector. It has to be subsidized by the government to stay afloat and once
    the Government pulls it funding, like the US did to Solarx, it will crumble
    to the competition. Fossil fuels are cheap and abundant and the American
    market is hungry for cheap energy. I aim to feed that hunger.

  4. Vance H says:

    Save Our Planet through Sharing, Justice and Peace for all.

  5. Diana van Laar says:

    Our activists in Canada climbed an oil derrick and installed solar panels.

    #solar #panels #OhCanada 

  6. Martín Dutroc says:

    Our activists in Canada climbed an oil derrick and installed solar panels.

    #solar #panels #OhCanada 

  7. Rose Marangoni says:

    Our activists in Canada climbed an oil derrick and installed solar panels.

    #solar #panels #OhCanada 

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