



Lots of other planning went into this system. Dealing with Xcel and the building inspector were videos in themselves. Feel free to ask questions though. Reme…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

John’s putting in a lot of solar power gear at his house, and doing a complete remodel of his garage. We take a look at the two projects and the tech involve…
Video Rating: 4 / 5


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  1. butch kern says:

    for a DIY install nice job… #10 thht wire in conduit that way you can add
    6 more pannels easy without pullin new wire..in my area we have a ege and
    gee grounds any problems with micro inverters.. having failures in my
    area…n.az. hot!!!

  2. Andzej Kos says:

    interesting points ,if anyone else trying to find out solar panel kits for
    home try “Samtawkes DIY Solar Panels” (do a google search ) ? Ive heard
    some amazing things about it and my friend got cool results with it.

  3. Joel Mejia says:

    looks dumb the way inspector make you to do , wire nuts? # 6 wire , there
    are other ways to do it ,. that will look cleaner

  4. Sam FitzZaland says:

    Nice install! I’m doing the same system but 1.25KW. I think I’ll put my
    roof penetration under the last panel for extra weather protection. For the
    monitoring system – does that communicate wirelessly with the

  5. Sonny Burnett says:

    Hey, Great video! Thanks as that’s the exact system I want to install.
    Please drop an update from time to time.

  6. Joel Mejia says:

    romex in conduit?

  7. john67elco says:

    I’m surprised bob let you get away with Romex in conduit and an unbounded
    ground to the rail box/rails. No breaks in ground anywhere except hook up

  8. rahikalhasan96 says:

    hi everyone ,if anyone else trying to find out solar panels for the home
    try Samtawkes DIY Solar Panels (Have a quick look on google cant remember
    the place now ) ? Ive heard some amazing things about it and my mate got
    amazing results with it. 

  9. Jesse Hoff says:
  10. Sabri Simo says:
  11. Akter Hasan says:

    Hiyaaaa! Have you heard the talk about – Maxim Earth 4 Energy (just google
    it)? Ive heard some great things about it and my bro got excellent results
    with it. 

  12. Plob Ster says:

    Ohhh… that man cave… I had something else in mind lol

  13. reduceelectriccost says:

    This will be my next plan for the next year I will go totally solar! i cant

  14. Xavier Thaikkadan says:

    excellent thank you so much for the info.

  15. RED ESCOLAR Autonoma says:

    We’re taking a peek at the big solar power project at John’s house.

  16. Cali Lewis says:

    We’re taking a peek at the big solar power project at John’s house.

  17. Geek Beat says:

    We’re taking a peek at the big solar power project at John’s house.

  18. John Pozadzides says:

    *Updates on My Solar Project and Garage Expansion!*
    Ever since I did the update episode where I showed you guys my two current
    projects everyone has been sending in great suggestions! THANKS SO MUCH!!!
    I’ve already found a couple that I’m going to implement.

    I started thinking that I should make sure I have these documented in one
    place somewhere because others might want a list of good ideas to consider
    when remodeling or adding solar, so here’s where I’m doing that. If you
    have other suggestions please drop a comment below.

    +Vinko Tsui Suggested adding commercial rollers for the attic. Assembly
    line things so I can just slide things through the attic.

    bookmonke (Twitter) and MANY people suggested an attic lift to hoist things
    into the overhead space (would be cool, combined with above.) ex:

    +Sergio Santos said Dont forget space for JUKEBOX (at least I’m doing a +
    Sonos system in the garage. 😉

    m4ycee 23 (YouTube) suggested IP cameras for surveillance

    bobidge (Twitter) suggested putting basic lights in garage on a motion
    sensor, and additional lights on a switch. Great idea!

    +Cas Sandra suggested a bathroom, keeps you in the garage working without
    having to run back inside when covered in dust

    Jacob Dagenais (YouTube) – Go led rather than fluorescent. cheaper to run
    and last longer. plus you could get tri colour and go nuts with that.

    westaners (YouTube) – Make sure they put shut off switchs near solar panels
    in case of electrical fire. Fire department wont fight fire if panels are
    all still putting out voltage

    Jerry Pena suggested a sink to wash up, as did many others. And somehow I
    didn’t consider the fact that I have no water anywhere near the driveway on
    the side where I will surely want to wash my cars outside!

    Several people also recommended:
    – A built in shop vac system
    – Pull down air, electrical, water hoses mounted in ceiling
    – A battery backup system for the house
    – Epoxy floor paint
    – Air Conditioning for the Garage

    So that’s my quick cumulative list. Have I missed anything? Let me know!

  19. RED ESCOLAR Autonoma says:

    We’re taking a peek at the big solar power project at John’s house.

  20. John Pozadzides says:

    A look at my big garage remodel and planning for the 39 solar panels that
    are headed for my roof.

  21. Rusty Greer says:

    We’re taking a peek at the big solar power project at John’s house.

  22. Morgan Enroughty says:

    We’re taking a peek at the big solar power project at John’s house.

  23. Amrit Mandal says:

    We’re taking a peek at the big solar power project at John’s house.

  24. MacTalksTech says:

    IP cameras for surveillance! A must have!

  25. AppliedTechnology says:

    In the long run, LED’s save money and energy.

  26. westaners says:

    Make sure they put shut off switchs near solar panels in case of electrical
    fire. Fire department wont fight fire if panels are all still putting out

  27. Kienfee says:

    JohnP a Sink, and Frig for the man cave

  28. Christopher Mellinger says:

    I’ll be here for your nest update.

  29. juanfdo82465 says:

    do you have a extra job or is geek beat your main job? cool house and

  30. Leo Hernandez says:

    damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn that house rocks…makes me want to
    move…its so expensive here

  31. Razor2048 says:

    hemlock grove starts to get better 1-2 more episodes in, the issue that the
    first few episodes have, is that it is very dialog heavy and has no
    relevant action to the premise of the show, and does not really get into it
    until the 3rd episode. Overall it is not an action intensive show, and it
    tends to rely on shorter burst of action, an suspense through the story. I
    personally like it, but more as a secondary show to watch when there is
    nothing else (no new anime and no new supernatural)

  32. AppliedTechnology says:

    An equipment vac like a delta vac or a beam system.

  33. John Pozadzides says:

    I promise, major updates coming. Especially as soon as they start the
    installation of the panels.

  34. Mfury001 says:

    When I seen the square hole that you stated later is for the attic fan, I
    thought, awesome they are installing a small lift to move all the storage
    objects into the attic easier, especially heavier objects.

  35. John Pozadzides says:

    Especially in TEXAS! We have lots of land, so the houses are even bigger.

  36. Arafet Kanso says:

    220V outlets , where do you live ??

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